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What is Acid Citric Monohydrate
2024-08-15 16:41:35
What is Acid Citric Monohydrate


In everyday life, we are often exposed to a variety of chemicals, and one very important and versatile compound is Acid Citric Monohydrate. It is a kind of organic acid, crystalline powder, in food, beverage, medicine, detergent and other fields have a wide range of applications. This blog will take you through the characteristics and applications of lime monohydrate.
The chemical formula of lime monohydrate is C6H8O7·H2O and the molecular weight is 210.14 g/mol. It is a colorless or white crystalline powder with good solubility in water. Lime monohydrate is acidic, can play the characteristics of acid, and can form complex with metal ions under certain conditions.
Food and Beverage Industry Applications:
Lime monohydrate is one of the most common food acid flavor agents in the food and beverage industry. It is widely used in products such as carbonated drinks, juices, sweets, jellies, sauces and condiments to give them a sour taste and texture. It can not only enhance the taste of food and beverages, but also regulate their acidity and stabilize pH, extending the shelf life of products.
Application of medicines and health products:
Citric acid monohydrate also plays an important role in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and health products. It is commonly used as an adjunct to improve taste and solubility, providing a sour taste to oral medicines and oral care products. In addition, lime monohydrate also has antioxidant properties and is often used as an antioxidant in health products to help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Detergent and cosmetic applications:
Citric acid monohydrate is widely used in detergents and cosmetics because of its good chelating and destaining ability. It can be used as an ingredient in detergents and detergents to help remove scale and stains. In addition, it can also be used in certain cosmetic products, such as facial cleansers and exfoliators, with cleansing and skin conditioning effects.
Citric acid monohydrate is a multifunctional compound that plays an important role in the fields of food, beverage, medicine, detergent and cosmetics. Its acidic properties and solubility make it an ideal food sourener to provide acidity and texture in beverages. At the same time, it also has antioxidant and cleaning properties, which facilitates the manufacture of medicines and health products, cleaning agents and cosmetics. In our daily lives, we often enjoy the convenience and pleasure brought by lime monohydrate, and behind this is the ingenious application of this multifunctional compound.
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